Elise Carter
L. Elise Carter, A board-certified music therapist, Ms Carter has experience in teaching folks with special needs, either through piano or flute lessons, or providing music therapy sessions to work on specific client goals. Elise has experience working with individuals who have cognitive or physical disabilities, adults as well as children. Mrs. Carter is currently working with children doing group music therapy in School districts in New Jersey. She has a private practice where she works with adults and children with special needs. both online and in person. Elise specializes in working with non-verbal clients.
She has worked with Camp Acorn in Allendale, New Jersey, doing group music therapy for their summer camp and through groups with their year long adult Day-Hab group.
Ms Carter also has experience working with hospice and palliative care patients. Mrs. Carter worked for Suncrest Hospice and also worked with acute psychiatric patients, palliative care patients and patients in hospice care at Mt Sinai Beth Israel Hospital in NYC. Â She provided environmental music for fragile patient populations in SICU and MICU settings at this hospital. Mrs Carter is currently seeing patients in these populations in her private practice in New Jersey.